
Showing posts from August, 2024

Beginning of Film History

Dominic Mayhall Beginning of Film History     There have been many important inventors and visionaries to come and work on videography or film as a whole. Some of which are more important than others. And a couple of these inventors contributed more to the development of film making than some. I'll be ranking who I believe is the most influential, from first to last.     For my number one most important film figure I have to go with Eadweard Muybridge and his invention of the zoopraxiscope. He really started it all with "motion picturing." All by putting those pictures on a clear disk, then using the zoopraxiscope to have it spin around giving the effect that it's moving. And from this he held the first public motion picture exhibition. Which later on Thomas Edison, who I'm not fond of, would take inspiration from to help create the first motion picture camera.      In my number two spot I'm going with the Lumiere brothers. Their invention of the Cinematograph